Thursday, May 10, 2007

Event Blog: Hair

The production of the musical Hair was an extremely entertaining show and was very well done. It was clear that the cast had spent a large amount of time researching their characters and rehearsing in order to present the best production possible. The show would not have been a success without the cooperation and teamwork of the cast. Much of the interpretive dancing was done with a partner or a group, and the interaction of the characters is what gave the production life. The message of the play was about liberty, freedom and the rights of the people. This production, topped off with an incredible amount of energy was very entertaining, informative, and fun to watch.

Many of the skills seen in the production of Hair could be used in the classroom. Just like researching and understanding a character in a play, it is very important to understand the information being taught in the classroom, become an expert on it, and rehearse it thoroughly before presenting it in front of a class. The teacher should always remember to work with students, listen to them, and not resort to a complete dictatorship in the classroom. Interaction will bring the most success to students and to oneself. Just as the play was about values and rights, the classroom should also be a place where students and the teacher have set, defined rights. This will help with effective classroom management and respect in the classroom. Lastly, the classrooms should be a place full of energy. Energy that motivates, excites, and assists in learning.

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